Having a rust server ends up with a lot and massive daily and weekly work. Its just not all about configurating all the stuff at one time and then the server runs by it self. Owning a server does really goes for more work and is always back-minded in my head.


Preventing kids from spamming the chat, preventing unskilled hackers from enhancing on the server or even helping newbies. Thats all whats to do, day for day. And much more...


As I cant only do this alone. I have gone for new players who want to help the server growing.


Currently we are looking for 3 supporters, 3 Moderators and 1 Admin. The admin should really bring experience with it. Interested? Contact MAYBE in Steam or ingame.



Supporters are the helping hand of the moderators and are still watching the chat to help other peoples out.

Moderator are managing events, ingame problems and many other things.

The second Admin is my right hand and goes for helping me out when I am out of time.